Kolejki po ostatniego burgera. Rosjanie szturmują McDonald's
McDonald's zadeklarował, że pensje nadal będą wypłacane pracownikom, mimo zawieszenia działalności firmy. Co ciekawe, o zamknięciu sieci poinformowały także rosyjskie media. Stwierdziły, że to przez "problemy z zaopatrzeniem".
⚡️McDonald's is temporarily closing all 850 restaurants in #Russia, Bloomberg reports.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) March 8, 2022
However, the company will continue to pay salaries to its 62,000 employees from Russia. pic.twitter.com/G8gnH2UXkv
In Russia, after the news about the closure of McDonald's, queues lined up in front of restaurants.
— Anonymous Operations (@AnonOpsSE) March 8, 2022
The establishments of this network are still working, but delivery has already disappeared from local online services. pic.twitter.com/cMpkhCkQ5t
People in #Moscow sell online sweet-and-sour sauce from #McDonald's. pic.twitter.com/IDRinFukcL
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) March 9, 2022
Ironically, freedom in Russia came along with the queues at the newly opened McDonald's at Pushkinskaya; now it has died along with the same queue, but at the McDonald's that is closing down.#Russia #USSR #freedom #stopwar #ukraineconflict #ukrainecrisis #UkraineWar pic.twitter.com/hrC3uzByaT
— Leonid Nersisyan (@nersmail1) March 8, 2022